Beboelse i landskabet - en analyse af bebyggelsernes placering i landskabet fra jernalder til middelalder i området omrking Eltang Vig


  • Casper Marienlund


This paper examines the location of the
excavated farms and settlements in the
landscape surrounding the tunnel valley
of Eltang Vig from the Iron Age to the
Middle Ages.
The main bulk of the archaeological
evidence comes from several campaigns
at the archaeological sites of Banggård
II, Eltang, and Marielyst from 2014
to 2019, and their connection to older
excavated sites.
The landscape in this area was affected
significantly during the ice age. The
terrain changes rapidly, and the landscape
is characterised by high hills and
tunnel valleys, closely connected to The
Little Belt. The large, investigated area
of approximately 123 ha offers a great
opportunity to study the archaeological
area and to focus on the location of the
buildings in the landscape on a greater
scale. Although large parts of the landscape
have not been archaeologically examined,
the survey indicates that some
areas were more densely populated than
others during different periods of time,
which could indicate that the role of the
landscape and the use of it changed over
time, due to aspects such as local agriculture,
trade, and security.





Marienlund, C. (2021). Beboelse i landskabet - en analyse af bebyggelsernes placering i landskabet fra jernalder til middelalder i området omrking Eltang Vig. Arkæologi I Slesvig-Archäologie in Schleswig, 2020(18), 105–118. Abgerufen von