Zwei "Ziegelwracks" in der Kieler Aussenförde?

Der Fund der MALIK und des 2-Anker Wracks


  • Philipp Grassel


In 2015 and 2016, two unknown wrecks –
the MALIK and the 2-Anker Wrack – were
found in the Kiel Fjord. Both sites were
investigated by short surveys during 2015,
2016, and 2018. The large
amount of bricks
covering the wrecks is characteristic of
both sites.
This article gives an overview of past
and current research on the wrecks. Additionally,
an initial interpretation of the
context of the wrecks is suggested including
a possible research project. From the
author's point of view, both wrecks were
once most likely small wooden sailing
ships for commercial purposes; such vessels
were very common on the coasts of the
Baltic Sea and the North Sea.
Due to the lack of usable archaeological
data, a detailed dating of the wrecks is not
yet possible. Comparative analyses of the
anchors and the visible, structural parts of
the wrecks roughly date wrecks to the period
between the 1830s and the first half of
the 20th century.





Grassel, P. (2021). Zwei "Ziegelwracks" in der Kieler Aussenförde? Der Fund der MALIK und des 2-Anker Wracks. Arkæologi I Slesvig-Archäologie in Schleswig, 2020(18), 25–38. Abgerufen von