Findes bygningsofre og andre arkæologiske spor efter religiøs/magisk praksis i middelalderen? Eksempel fra det sydvest- og sønderjyske område


  • Anders Hartvig
  • Mette Højmark Søvsø


This article addresses the use of material
evidence as a source for magic / religious
practices in the Middle Ages. A number of
objects from southwestern and southern
Jutland, which can be related to such practices,
are discussed and interpreted in detail.
Parallels, material evidence, and other
sources arguably indicate a widespread
continuity from the Iron Age onwards of a
number of rituals and of the use of certain
objects with magic qualities. In addition,
archaeologists are encouraged to be more
aware of the potential of material evidence
for the research into magic / religious practices
in the Middle Ages.





Hartvig, A., & Søvsø, M. H. (2020). Findes bygningsofre og andre arkæologiske spor efter religiøs/magisk praksis i middelalderen? Eksempel fra det sydvest- og sønderjyske område. Arkæologi I Slesvig-Archäologie in Schleswig, (17), 235–253. Hentet fra