Bronzezeitliche Transformationen zwischen den Hügeln (Mang de Bargen, Bornhäved, Kr. Segeberg)



  • Stefanie Schäfer-Di Maida


In this contribution, the PhD-project Bronze Age Transformation processes in Northern Germany (part of the SFB 1266 Project “Scales of Transformation – Human-environmental Interaction in Prehistoric
and Archaic Societies”) is presented. The main aim of the project is to examine social and economic long-term changes, rapid turning points, and collapses within areas in northern Germany, e. g. in Schleswig-Holstein in the vicinity of Lake Belau. This region was selected because it provides good archaeological and environmental data as well as a pollen profile of the Lake Belau. The first step is to verify the presence or the absence of a transformation process in the records; the second step addresses the questions of how Bronze Age transformations are recognizable, how fast they developed, and how intense they were. The main focus
of this work is the changes in the settlement activities around 1600 BC, as well as modifications in burial rites around 1200 BC. Finally, this presentation will also include preliminary results from recent surveys and excavations at Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Dist. Segeberg). The importance of Mang de Bargen, together
with other sites in Schleswig-Holstein, lies in the impressive local constancy of the activities (especially around 1600 BC) and shows a record of the transition from inhumation to cremation around 1200 BC, as a possible point of transformation.





Schäfer-Di Maida, S. (2020). Bronzezeitliche Transformationen zwischen den Hügeln (Mang de Bargen, Bornhäved, Kr. Segeberg): Deutsch. Arkæologi I Slesvig-Archäologie in Schleswig, (17), 27–44. Abgerufen von