Computational thinking as a tool in primary and secondary mathematical problem solving: a literature review


  • Kim André Stavenæs Refvik
  • Annette Hessen Bjerke



In this systematic literature review, we investigate the connections between computational thinking and problem solving in the context of primary and secondary mathematics education. We do this by exploring how and at which steps in the mathematics problem-solving process seven peer reviewed studies report on the inclusion of computational thinking concepts, practices and perspectives. Overall, the studies show that it is possible and at times beneficial to include computational thinking in mathematics problem solving. However, more research is needed to see whether simply including computational thinking and its programming tools enhances students’ problem-solving skills in mathematics.


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How to Cite

Stavenæs Refvik, K. A., & Bjerke, A. H. (2022). Computational thinking as a tool in primary and secondary mathematical problem solving: a literature review. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 27(3), 5–27.


