First and second language students’ achievement in mathematical content areas


  • Jöran Petersson



This study compares Swedish first (n = 2 253) and second language (n = 248) students’ achievement in mathematical content areas specified by the TIMSS-framework. Data on mathematics achievement from three national tests 2007–2009 in school year 9 are used. The present study found that the achievement difference between the mathematical content areas algebra and number was smaller for second language students than for first language students and this result holds with statistical significance (p = 0.016). The same holds for algebra versus data and chance (p = 0.00053). A hypothesis for further research is suggested; that students immigrating in late school years have contributed to the observed result by bringing experiences from other curricula into their new schooling.


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How to Cite

Petersson, J. (2017). First and second language students’ achievement in mathematical content areas. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 22(2), 33–50.


