

  • The editors




Ledare / Editorial


Bjarnadóttir, K., Christiansen, A. & Lepik, M. (2013). Arithmetic textbooks in Estonia, Iceland and Norway - similarities and differences during the nineteenth century. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 18 (3), 27-58.

Grevholm, B. (2006). The Nordic Graduate School in mathematics education. Summer school of 2006. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 11 (2), 71-74.

Grevholm, B. (2011). Network for research on mathematics textbooks in the Nordic countries. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 16 (4), 91-102.

Grevholm, B., Rezat, S. & Fan, L. (2015). Mathematics textbooks research continued. PME Newsletter, May/June 2015, 18-20. Retrieved from http://issuu.com/pmeadministrativemanager/docs/15_02_pme_newsletter

Jakobsson-Åhl, T. (2008). Word problems in upper secondary algebra in Sweden over the years 1960-2000. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 13 (1), 7-28.

Johansson, M. (2006). Textbooks as instruments. Three teachers' way to organize their mathematics lessons. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 11 (3), 5-30.

Jones, K., Bokhove, C., Howson, G. & Fan, L. (2014). Proceedings of the International conference on mathematics textbooks research and development. Southampton School of Education, University of Southampton. Retrieved from http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/374809/1/ICMT-2014_proceedings150331.pdf

Kongelf, T. R. (2011). What characterises the heuristic approaches in mathematics textbooks used in lower secondary schools in Norway? Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 16 (4), 5-44.

Randahl, M. & Grevholm, B. (2010). Learning opportunities offered by a classical calculus textbook. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 15 (2), 5-27.

Österholm, M. (2008). Do students need to learn how to use their mathematics textbooks? The case of reading comprehension. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 13 (3), 53-73.




How to Cite

editors, T. (2015). Editorial. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 20(3-4), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.7146/nomad.v20i3-4.148688


