What characterises the heuristic approaches in mathematics textbooks used in lower secondary schools in Norway?


  • Tom Rune Kongelf




In this paper I present findings of an analysis of how mathematics textbooks treat heuristic approaches. The aim of this analysis is to give a characterisation of the occurrence of nine well-known heuristic approaches by analysing 740 examples presented in six ninth grade textbook series. The findings show that many of the problems in the examples are being solved by using one or more heuristic approaches, but the characteristics of the examples and the textbooks’ lack of discussion of the approaches themselves make it challenging to teach and learn these in school. The heuristic approaches seem to be used rather incidentally, which is supported by the fact that none of the textbooks explicitly treat or mention problem solving.


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How to Cite

Kongelf, T. R. (2011). What characterises the heuristic approaches in mathematics textbooks used in lower secondary schools in Norway?. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 16(4), 5–44. https://doi.org/10.7146/nomad.v16i4.148407


