To translate between different perspectives in belief research: a comparison between two studies


  • Magnus Österholm



A common problem in belief research seems to be a missing link between aspects of theory and empirical analyses and results. This issue highlights a question of how dependent empirical studies about beliefs actually are on the theoretical perspective described in the study. In this paper, I examine relationships between two different perspectives. One perspective focuses on belief change, and seems to rely on a type of cognitive perspective, where beliefs can be characterized as mental objects. The other perspective argues for moving away from such cognitive perspective and instead to adopt a participatory perspective in the analysis of mathematics teaching. The results show that the study about belief change is not dependent on seeing beliefs as mental objects, but that this study could as well have been located within a participatory perspective.


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How to Cite

Österholm, M. (2011). To translate between different perspectives in belief research: a comparison between two studies. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 16(1-2), 57–76.


