Mathematics at work – researching adults’ mathematics-containing competences


  • Tine Wedege



In the workplace, mathematics is integrated in three dimensions of technology − in technique and machinery, in work organisation and in human competences and qualifications. In the article, methodology in researching mathematics-containing competences is the focus. It is argued that the complexity in adults’ mathematics at work has to be investigated in a borderland between mathematics education and adult education research, where the import and reconstruction of theories and concepts are important tasks. An operational methodology, based on a model for analysing numeracy, is presented. This methodology – by virtue of the conceptual development associated with it − has also been useful in teacher training.


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How to Cite

Wedege, T. (2004). Mathematics at work – researching adults’ mathematics-containing competences. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 9(2), 101–122.


