Recent developments in Finnish mathematics education
The article addresses some development trends that have taken place in mathematics education of the Finnish comprehensive school over the past 15 years. A particular reason for such analysis arises from the international large-scale assessments on science and mathematics conducted at the turn of the millennium, which showed that Finnish student performance in mathematics is of a high international standard. Good achievement is attributable to a whole network of interrelated factors. The comprehensive school system seems to be successful in providing the majority of its students with a solid foundation for further schooling and for transition to working life. Long-term curricular measures and extensive development schemes have served as important framing factors. Also the high standard of teacher preparation and mathematics teachers’ professional skills is a factor that probably contributes to student performance. At the level of students, self-confidence in learning mathematics seems to be closely related to the level of performance. As regards remedies to shortcomings and problems, recognition of national strengths creates a positive atmosphere for improvement.
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