Students' mathematics performance and their attitude toward the learning of mathematics: an attempt to explore their relationship


  • Anastasios Barkatsas
  • Vasilis Gialamas
  • Dimitris Karageorgos
  • Katerina Kasimatis



The present study was an exploratory study aimed at investigating the relationship between Year 7 students' attitudes towards mathematics and their mathematics performance. Using random sampling 29 High Schools were selected from all over the country. The final sample comprised 714 Year 7 students. The research revealed that high performance in mathematics is associated with more positive students' attitudes toward mathematics learning. The most significant finding of the study is that Year 7 students in Greek High schools demonstrated a serious weakness in solving real life problems using the mathematics they have been taught.


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How to Cite

Barkatsas, A., Gialamas, V., Karageorgos, D., & Kasimatis, K. (1998). Students’ mathematics performance and their attitude toward the learning of mathematics: an attempt to explore their relationship. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 6(1), 23–48.


