Alternatives to traditional algorithms in elementary mathematics instruction


  • Rolf Hedrén



The purpose of the research project has been to find out what changes ought to take place in elementary mathematics teaching, if we want to consider the changing need of mathematical knowledge and skill in a society with calculators and computers.

The project is and will be carried out in one class followed through years 2 - 5. The children are now (May 1996) in year 3. Traditional algorithms for the four arithmetic operations are not taught, instead the children are encouraged to invent their own methods for written computation and, besides, to use mental arithmetic and estimation whenever appropriate. Each child has also access to a calculator of her/ his own.

The project is mainly evaluated by qualitative methods, e. g. clinical interviews and observations of groups of children. The results that are discussed, are mainly from year 3. They show that the children, when given the chance, invent a lot of different methods to cope with exercises in addition and subtraction, and in so doing they exhibit signs of increasing number sense. However, many children still have difficulties with regrouping in subtraction.


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How to Cite

Hedrén, R. (1996). Alternatives to traditional algorithms in elementary mathematics instruction. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 4(2-3), 51–83.


