Fremskrivning af færøsk aborthistorie

en materiel-retorisk arkivanalyse


  • Turið Nolsøe
  • Lena Nolsøe



abortion, archival research, Faroe Islands, rhetorical accretion, biopolitics, geopolitics


The history of abortion in the Faroe Islands is an under researched aspect of both local and Nordic gender history, and analyses of how abortion has taken place are still as absent as the legal right to elective abortion in the Faroe Islands. This is not due to a lack of historical records, but to their entanglements with the gendered, class-based and national power relationships defined by the Danish kingdom’s administration of the subject.

This article focuses on the trial of Anna Maria Jacobsdatter who in 1843 was accused and acquitted for abortion in both the Faroese court and the Danish supreme court. Based on Jennifer Clary-Lemons arguments for material-rhetorical archival analysis (Clary-Lemon 2014), which build on Vicki Tolar Collins exploration of material rhetoric as feminist methodology, we focus on rhetorical accretion (Collins 1999), and how archival studies should emphasise the accumulation of meaning added by administrative and archival practices. Jacobsdatter status as a Faroese-speaking housemaid whose experiences are documented in Danish, attests to the rhetorical layers we as critics must address in cases such as these and how the documentation of biopolitical transgressions are reflective of their geopolitical context.


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Ikke-publicerede kilder fra Færøernes Nationalarkiv


Politiprotokol 1837-1846 (Hc1-L002)

Justitsprotokol 1836-1847 (Fb2-L003)

Dokumenter til Justitsprotokollen 1842-1844 (Fc2-L007)

Politiprotokol 1858-1861 (Hc1-L005)





Nolsøe, T., & Nolsøe, L. (2025). Fremskrivning af færøsk aborthistorie: en materiel-retorisk arkivanalyse. Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, 37(2), 16.


