Luderen, akademikeren og manifestet:

En retorisk analyse af genreeksperimenter og talepositioner i to nyere danske manifester


  • Kira Skovbo Moser Aarhus Universitet



Manifestos, genre experiments, rhetorical genre analysis, feminist speaking positions, reclaiming


The Slut, the Academic and the Manifesto. A rhetorical analysis of genre experiments and speaking-positions in two newer Danish manifestos. This article nvestigates how feminist personas in Denmark are experimenting with the manifesto genre today, to renegotiate speaking positions within the public debate on gender and equality. Since the first wave of feminism, the manifesto genre has been used as an activist tool by feminists in the West. However, the genre, being traditionally both masculine and masculinist, is causing resistance when adapted by feminist agendas. Through a close textual analysis and a rhetorical genre analysis of two current feminist manifestos, LUDERMANIFESTET from 2017 and “Writing Victimhood” from 2021, I thus investigate the challenges and opportunities of such feminist adaptions of the manifesto genre. The analysis focusses on experiments with genre through embeddings and combinations, the act of reclaiming, and the possibility for feminist speaking-positions to be created as a result. The aim is to investigate how these genre experiments affect what can be said, how this can be said, and ultimately who gets to speak.


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Skovbo Moser, K. (2025). Luderen, akademikeren og manifestet:: En retorisk analyse af genreeksperimenter og talepositioner i to nyere danske manifester. Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, 37(2), 14.


