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Vrede og autisme i mediedækningen af Greta Thunberg
Affekt, aktivisme, vrede, neurodivergence, børnResumé
Analyzing the Danish media reception of Greta Thunberg’s speech at the UN’s climate action summit in 2019, this article illustrates how anger sticks to Thunberg and the youth climate movement, as well
as how ‘their’ anger is problematized and pathologized. The anger ascribed to Thunberg is framed as a symptom of her autism spectrum diagnosis; as a ‘mental problem’ rather than a reaction to a political problem. Further, ‘her’ anger is portrayed as contagious, posing a risk to the health of other children, and ‘her’ anger becomes the source of ‘our’ concern. The article illustrates this by drawing attention to the emergence of the fi gure of ‘the impossible child’: an angry fi gure who is denied the positive affective status of the Child even though her childishness is constantly emphasized. She is not the innocent Child who must be protected but a problematic child whose dysregulated, pathological anger must be regulated to protect other children from her.
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