Arbejdet med inklusion - og mod eksklusion?


  • Sabrina Vitting-Seerup IND, Københavns Universitet



inclusion, exclusion, discrimination, museum, gender, ethnicity


Several Danish museums have worked with inclusion in the past 10 years in order to create more diverse representations. However, these initiatives are often short term and fail to facilitate institutional change in the long run. If we instead of working with inclusion begin to focus on the mechanisms of exclusion, the museums (and the researchers working with them) might be able to facilitate the wanted transformation. When we begin to understand how mechanisms of exclusion can take place even among those with egalitarian ideals, we do not only begin to understand why there was a need to include in the first place – we might also be able to better understand the changes that we see in current times: With MeToo and BlackLivesMatter, there has undeniably been a change in public discourse and the changes can be tracked to focus of the Danish museums’ exhibitions. This change can potentially also be explained when working with the concept of uintentional exclusion - or rather; by looking at the potential responses to uintentional exclusion found in the small, daily actions performed at a museum.


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Vitting-Seerup, S. (2023). Arbejdet med inklusion - og mod eksklusion?. Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, 34(2), 43–58.


