Screening asylum seekers in Denmark for torture using a structured questionnaire


  • Ebbe Munk-Andersen Red Cross Denmark
  • Bettina Toftgaard Red Cross Denmark
  • Jens Modvig Medical Director Dignity Institute


Palabras clave:

screening for torture


The United Nations Committee against Torture recommends systematic torture screening throughout the asylum process.   The goal of this study is to evaluate the introduction of a structured questionnaire, coding for torture according to the definition from United Nations Convention Against Torture (UNCAT). This screening for torture is now an integrated part of the medical reception of newly arrived asylum seekers

The screening was carried through during a 2 years period as a part of the routine health screening, and alleged torture victims were referred to further medical examination and offered assistance to carry information about the torture to the Immigration Service. The participation rate was 85.2%, and torture was reported among 27.8% of the males, with a mean of 21.2% among both sexes.

Key words: Torture, screening, questionnaire, asylum seekers, UNCAT

Biografía del autor/a

Bettina Toftgaard, Red Cross Denmark

Nurse working for Red Cross Denmark. Working in reception center for asylum seekers, doing health interviews.

Main contributeur of data for the current article.



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Cómo citar

Munk-Andersen, E., Toftgaard, B., & Modvig, J. (2021). Screening asylum seekers in Denmark for torture using a structured questionnaire. Torture Journal, 31(2), 99–109.