RUMSPIL VED YUPNOFLODEN: En eksperimentel metode på et antropologisk feltarbejde
Jiirg Wassmann: Space Games at the
Yupno River. An Experimental Method in
Anthropological Fieldwork
The author uses an example from an interdisciplinary
study among the Yupno in New
Guinea to point to the relevance of experiments
in anthropological research on
cognition. It is argued that an experimental
method makes it possible to get information
on the explicit and conscious use of cultural
knowledge individuals employ when they
solve posed problems. The results from the
space games made possible a more detailed
and clear insight in, and description of, the
arrangement and use of the three different
systems for spatial description among the
Yupno. A main point through the article is
that the results from the experiments only
make sense against the background of an extensive
fieldwork which provides a insight
into the ethnographical context necessary for
the analysis.
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