SAMTALEN SOM INTERVIEW: At tale om kulturelle artikulationer i Kina
John A. Larsen: Conversation as Interview.
Talking about Cultural Articulations
in China
In the beginning of the article the theoretical
interest in the problems conceming the cultural
articulation of the minority group is
presented as the context for the methodological
thematic. On the basis of fieldwork
among the minority group Naxi in Southwestem
China this article examines the advantages
of viewing field conversations as different
kinds of interviews. Three interview types
are presented taking into account the formal,
systematic properties as the situations
under which the interviews took place.
Through the article more general problems
conceming the status of the fieldworker and
the use of interpreters are discussed. It is argued
that the understanding of data generating
conversations as type of interview allows
for a greater awareness of the formal
information as well as the discourses within
which this information is articulated. This
more systematic approach to the production
and analysis of field conversations has pro-
ved to be especially fruitful in the unveiling
of the discourses and processes behind an articulation
of the minority culture, which has
been the analytic aim of this investigation.
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