ER DER NOGEN NYHEDER? Sladder som etnografisk metode
Tao Kongsbak: Is There Any News?
- Gossip as an Ethnographic Method
Ethnographers have always used gossip in
fieldwork. Malinowski was one of the first to
point to the central importance of gossip in
ethnographic data-collection. However, not
many ethnographers have showed how they
have actually and systematically used gossip
as a method. The purpose of the article is to
introduce gossip as an ethnographic method.
Gossip is thus treated as a communicative
genre, and some of the insights that can be
generated through gossip are described: the
social taste of the group, participants’ experience
of intimate relations, core values of
the group underlying the world view. This is
followed by examples that show how to get
involved in gossip. The article also
comments on the widely discussed crisis of
ethnographic authority and suggests that this
crisis should be overcome, not by taking refuge
in abstract theoretical concepts like „resonance"
and „prophecy" but practically: the
ethnographer must do more to involve himself
with the locals and be more observant
while he is involved. A systematic use of
gossip in the field is one solution.
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