Klaus Rifbjerg: Tor(o)menting
Written as “reflections on the strange sport
of bull-fighting by a relatively civilised Dåne”,
the article begins by discussing the unavoidably
heated character of arguments,
used by any reasonable person against cruelty
to animals. Therefore it would be impossible
to defend bull-fighting if it did not, as its
core, have other meanings, albeit meanings
hard to grasp. At least one has to notice the
subtle aesthetic aspects - the stylistic variations
of movements, the improvisations exploitable
under an invariable observation of
very strict mies, etc. - that combine to make
the fight between man and beast into a very
serious ritual of life and death. If one can’t
appreciate this playing on forms inside
forms, one will never get close to the symbolic
content of one man’s playful slaughter of
the prototypical animal of natural power: allowing
us vicariously to experience a ritual
escape from what we most dreadfully fear,
the death in death.
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