MASSER AF GRUNDE TIL USIKKER SEX: En undersøgelse af gode forklaringer
Anders Dahl: Plenty of Reasons for Unsafe
Sex. An Investigation of Good Explanations
Information campaigns on HIV/AIDS have
been running for more than ten years, but
still it is difficult to demonstrate any changes
in the sexual behaviour of the Danish
population, except in regard of men who
have sex with men. Analyses of dialogues of
telephone counselling at the AIDS Hotline in
Copenhagen give insights into the explanations
that counselling-seeking persons
themselves give conceming their unsafe
sexual behaviour. It appears that safe sex is
generally considered easy and simple, and
therefore instances of unsafe sexual behaviour
come to be regarded as “slips” and
not as a pattem of behaviour. Choices of
sexual behaviour are not determined by
knowledge alone, but also by culturally informed
personal experience and the context
of the sexual act. The article points towards a
new strategy in future HIV/AIDS-related
work, putting greater emphasis on dialogue
with people with risk behaviour, e.g. in
connection with HIV-testing. The use of the
data collected at the hotline demonstrates
new paths in the difficult field of sex research.
Also, it appears from the data that the
study of the so-called risk groups for HIV is
probably not the most useful way to reach an
understanding of sexual risk taking, as reasons
for unsafe sex transcend such groups.
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