FRELST OG REDDET FRA AIDS?: Unge pigers håndtering af risikoen for hiv i det sydvestlige Uganda
Kristina Wimberley: Saved from AIDS?
The Manoeuvres of Adolescent Giris in
Relation to the Risk of HIV in Southwestern
This articles discusses the representation of
adolescent giris in the literature on AIDS and
in AIDS interventions. In these contexts an
image is created of adolescent giris as
passive victims of a static inequality in
societies pervaded by patriarchy, and as
driven by economic want. On the basis of
fieldwork material from Ankole, southwestern
Uganda, the articles discusses the
meaning of “being saved” for adolescent
giris in relation to the risk of HIV. For the
giris concemed, “being saved” is characterized
by conversion to a new lifestyle in
which they are virtuous, honest, kind, and
above all: avoid and reject men. However, at
some point even saved giris enter into
relationships with men. In this situation, the
giris may find it advantageous to continue to
be “really saved” in certain contexts. From
the analysis put forward here it emerges that
“being saved” as a form of discourse and
action enables giris to create a room for
manoeuvre that empowers them to tackle the
dangers they face - including HIV/AIDS.
This agency emerges in the interplay of, on
the one hand the constraining and enabling
effects of the various life worlds of giris in
Ankole, and on the other hand the way in
which gendered identities and relationships
are negotiated in everyday life between giris
and men, as well as among the giris
themselves. It is concluded that the standard
analysis of giris’ vulnerability in relation to
the risk of HIV/AIDS could benefit from an
actor-oriented approach that encompasses
the interplay between structure and process.
An analysis of this kind may reveal the
agency of giris, and not exclusively in relation
to economic want. This focus on agency
could be a point of departure for more
effective HIV/AIDS interventions.
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