MELLEM CHIC AGO OG OUJDA: To perspektiver på marokkansk social struktur
Marc Schade-Poulsen: Between Chicago
and Oujda. Two Perspectives on
Moroccan Social Structure
This article deals with American anthropologists’
descriptions of Moroccan social
structure in the 1960s and 1970s: Eickelman,
Geertz, Rabinow, Rosen, and Crapanzano.
Thirty years later during a field trip to Oujda,
North Eastem Morocco, the author found
similar descriptions of Moroccan social
structure as expressed by young, male candidates
for migration to Europe. The article
describes the changes that have occurred in
Morocco during the last thirty years. It
compares the early American anthropological
point of view with the more recent
Moroccan one. It concludes that if the early
American “school” had been less inclined to
interpretive, symbolic approaches to
Moroccan society, and more eager to listen
to individual Morrocans’ hopes for their
future, it would not have been so easy to
describe Morocco as a "bargaining society”.
Rather, it would have included an analysis of
Moroccan power relations that are being
challenged by today’s globalisation.
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