OG BRYLLUPSREJSEN GIK TIL ET KLOSTER: Ungdomskultur og forbrug blandt koptere i Kairo
Lise P. Galal:... and the Honey Moon Trip
Went to a Monastery. Youth Culture and
Consumption among Copts in Cairo
A new cultural outcome of the Coptic
orthodox youth who are attempting to
integrate their cultural heritage in a modem
lifestyle is expressed in the popular trips to
the old monasteries of the Egyptian desert.
In trying to re-formulate a Coptic identity we
see a young couple who prefer the company
of their friends from the church instead of
their family at such an important occasion as
their wedding day. It seems that the church
has been successful in fulfilling the modem
desires of the young people. The trips to the
monasteries resemble this success and
satisfy not only a desire for holidays, but also
a desire for modem consumption, a style of
consumption which in modem times
becomes increasingly a sign of cultural
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