ISLAMISERINGEN AF DEN NYE GENERATION: Rapport fra en islamisk skole i Kairo
Lene Kofoed Rasmussen: Islamization of
the New Generation. Report from an
Islamic School in Cairo
The article takes as its starting point the
attitudes towards education among female
Islamists who are active in an Islamic school
in Cairo. It is a private school that aims to be
more Islamic than the ordinary governmental
school. The women whose positions
are quoted in the article are all engaged in
Islamism and carry out da'wa, missionary
activities, as teachers and/or mothers. These
women argue for a moderation of Islamic
precepts such as the assertion of the absolute
authority of elders, the demand for
obedience, the requirement of the veil, and
the segregation of genders. Through their
work of Islamizing the new generation, the
women themselves undergo a process of
subjectification; they represent the Muslim
woman as an active and responsible subject
worthy of imitation. The author argues that a
potential effect of the process of subjectification
is a new image of the Muslim woman,
challenging other potent images prevalent in
the Egyptian public, such as the Muslim
woman as a temptress and disturber of the
public order, and the Muslim woman as a
passive victim.
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