„VORES ØL“ Ajon og sociale relationer i Teso, Østuganda
Peter Henriques: Our Beer: Ajon and
Social Relations among the Iteso, East
When it comes to a description of Iteso
community life and commensality, the first
thing which comes to mind, both to the Iteso
themselves and to outside observers, is the
local beer, ajon. I claim here that the
consumption of ajon is a way of practicing
“the good life”, an ordered life where
oppositions in the system of social and
cultural reproduction are temporarily muted.
Ajon drinking is presented here as mediating
the ambivalence of good and evil found in all
central social relations among Iteso. But if
the consumption ideally is supposed to be
only merry sociability, this sociability is
under constant threat because of fear of
people who might want to harm others. Ajon
consumption can be dangerous, since the
beer party is also a place where people, under
cover of friendliness, may try to poison you
or practice witchcraft.
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