FLEKSITARER OG PURISTER: Eksistensæstetiske spisepraksisser i Cambridge, Massachusetts
Dil Bach: Flexitarians and Purists:
Aesthetic Existential Practices of the Self
in Cambridge, Massachusetts
This article suggests that some of the insights
developed by Foucault in his analysis of
antiquity can provide an alternative
perspective on modem health-oriented
eating practices. The author demonstrates
this through field material from Cambridge,
MA, USA. In her analysis of two local
natural food stores, the author shows that the
stores do not impose ultimate prescriptions,
but rather encourage an “aesthetics of
existence”. The shoppers thus engage in
voluntary “practices of the self’ in which
expert advice participates in a reflexive
interplay between the shoppers and their
bodies. In conclusion the author notes that
the aesthetics of existence should not be seen
as a “pure” expression of autonomy and
freedom. Not only are the expert discourses
deeply embedded in commercial relations,
they also forcefully place people in the role
of reflexive subjects.
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