ET VILDNIS AF TABUER: Jagten på en kulinarisk struktur
John Liep: A Wilderness of Taboos: The
Quest for a Culinary Structure
Recent anthropological research in
Melanesia has focused on the construction of
the person, theories of conception and
procreation, and flows of substances through
social relations and persons. There will often
be a correspondence between substances
such as sperm and biood, bodily parts such as
bone and flesh, and contrasting foods that are
gendered. An asymmetric constitution of the
person and a clear structuration of food
prestations between affinal sides may exist.
A study of these themes on Rossel Island,
Papua New Guinea yielded frustrating
results. No clear idea of contrasting, gendered
body aspects was found. Further, a large
number of food taboos for menstruating,
pregnant and lactating women was
distributed in clusters that were amenable to
various logics of interpretation without any
total structural logic appearing. This
negative result is explained by the absence of
any sustained practice of asymmetric
marriage and corresponding complementary
prestations between affines, which would
reproduce an ordering asymmetric structure
of the person and of the universe of foods.
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