KATEGORIALE SAMLINGER: Eller hvordan man fik indført en vis orden i universet i det 18. århundredes
Following the zoologists of eighteenthcentury
Britain from the field to the study
this article investigates how animals
were categorised in the grand taxonomic
systems of the day. The article analyses the
epistemological, social and cosmological
underpinnings of this particular kind of
classificatory collections, showing both how
the notions of specimens, species, genera,
orders and classes of the taxonomic systems
as well as the methods of categorisation
were culturally framed, and how the categorisation
of animals entailed a categorisation of
humans well. The article hence deals with the
categorial collections of eighteenth-century
zoology from the vantage points of both a
history of science and an anthropology of the
“totemic” perspective.
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