ET ANTROPOLOGISK BLIK PÅ PSYKIATRISK SYGDOMSOPFATTELSE: Sociale og kulturelle aspekter af en sygdomsmodel for skizofreni
This article is about the cultural perception of schizophrenia among psychiatric
staff in Denmark. The author argues that it is possible to identify a shared and
coherent perception of the disease among the staff and illustrates this by introducing
and discussing the theoretical concept of disease models. It is further is
argued that the field of psychiatry is a pertinent environment for identifying a
disease model among staff. After surveying a number of other studies, the disease
model of schizophrenia is presented. It is a model where medicine and behaviour
play dominant roles and where concepts of stability and chronicity are the major
characteristics of the disease. Furthermore, the author presents a discussion on
how the psychiatric staff seems to comprise the dominant social group in the
psychiatric wards and therefore plays the major role in determining treatment
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