GRÆNSELØS STRAF: Om grønlandsk indsathed i et dansk fængsel
The fi eldwork upon which this article is based took place among Greenlandic
inmates in 2005 in two different prisons, Anstalten ved Herstedvester, Denmark
and Anstalten for Domfældte in Nuuk, Greenland. We set out to investigate the
affects of being sent from Greenland to Anstalten ved Herstedvester to serve a
sentence of indefi nite time. Analytically we combine the two places into one
social space, as our informants in Anstalten ved Herstedvester experience the one
place through the other. They have all served a sentence in prisons in Greenland
and they combine these experiences in understanding their present context. Even
though the structure of Anstalten ved Herstedvester is characterized by transparent
boundaries and the opposite applies to Anstalten for Domfældte in Nuuk, the
prisoners all have diffi culties navigating in the social space. In Herstedvester the
rare visits and leaves become a mediator of life inside and outside society. Even
though these are desired, they are also experienced as expressions of a life, which
is diffi cult to imagine since they feel locked in time and space. Their experience
of time is characterised by permanance, which creates ignorance and insecurity,
and they feel locked in time and without agency because of the encircled social
space. “Home” is another important element of life in prison, but one that almost
impossible to obtain. The convicts fi nd a feeling of at-homeness by smoking
marijuana. However, some of our informants chose to stop smoking and were
thereby able to receive a reduction of their time in prison.
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