The article offers an analytical framework for studying deviance. Research in
deviance is relatively sparse in anthropology, by linking up with analysis of different
societies’ perceptions of the person, however, it is possible to develop a model
for understanding different ideal typical responses to deviant acts. On the one
hand we have an idea of the person, which strongly relates acts to the individual,
and with a high focus on individual responsibility, on the other end of the continuum
act are interpreted as reflections and statements of social relations beyond the
single individual. As a consequence of these differences the nature of deviance
is perceived in dissimilar ways. In short, one the one hand, deviance is explained
by reference to the individual person and strategies of normalisation and integration
is pursued. On the other hand deviance is explained extra-personally and strategies
of re-categorisation or elimination are developed. The article offers contemporary
examples from the author’s studies of respectively punishment and substance
abuse treatment.
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