Sounds are found everywhere, including the working environment. When sounds are
unwanted and annoying they are perceived as noise. An increasing number of people in
Denmark are reporting that they are exposed to loud noise in their working environment.
It is noteworthy that the reported incidence of noise exposure comes from non-industrial
trades, for example, from day-care institutions, and from schoolrooms. In order to reduce
annoyance due to work-related noise exposure, it is necessary to identify the circumstances
and factors that are important when sound is perceived as noise. The results of
our research demonstrate that noise of even low sound levels can cause considerable
annoyance. Moreover, a number of other factors are important in making sounds being
perceived as noise. They are, among others, the information content of the sounds, the
predictability and the possibility to control the sound, the characteristics of the work
tasks, prevention of the noise, and various individual factors, such as noise sensitivity
and hearing. Finally, not only is annoyance the effect of exposure to noise in the working
environment; our research points to the conclusion that sustained exposure to noise
can result in stress.
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