Jagten på en ADHD-diagnose: Analyse af situationer og kontekster, hvor det bliver attraktivt at være psykisk syg
Publiceret 2016-12-08
Med udgangspunkt i cases fra to feltstudier beskriver forfatterne, hvordan ADHD-diagnosen af flere forskellige grunde bliver attraktiv for professionelle og klienter med stofmisbrug i Kriminalforsorgens institutioner og i stofmisbrugsbehandlingsinstitutioner. Studierne fandt, at diagnosen bidrager med nye forklaringer til at forstå menneskers komplekse og vanskelige livsforløb og adfærdsmæssige problemstillinger. Det står centralt, at kriminel adfærd – ofte den udadreagerende og voldelige – samt stofbrug opfattes som symptomer på at have ADHD. Som en integreret del af dagligdagssproget indgår diagnosen som ressource og aktiv komponent i de indsattes identitetsarbejde, hvor stigma og afvigelser transformeres til sygdom, som kan behandles gennem brug af lovlig medicin fremfor illegale stoffer. ADHD-diagnosen giver de professionelle nogle særlige forståelser af de udfordringer, som de møder i deres klientrelaterede arbejde, da ADHD-diagnosen forskyder problematisk adfærd fra spørgsmål om moral eller jura til spørgsmål om psykisk sygdom. Afslutningsvist relateres fundene til Nikolas Roses teorier om livets politik og biologisering, og hvordan skellet mellem normalitet og patologi udviskes.
The pursuit of an ADHD diagnosis: Analysis of situations and contexts in which it becomes advantageous to be mentally ill
Based on the cases of two field studies, the authors describe how, for several reasons, the ADHD diagnosis can become an advantageous diagnosis for professionals and clients with substance abuse in institutions under the Prison and Probation Service and in substance abuse treatment facilities. The studies found that the diagnosis contributes new explanations for understanding individuals’ complex and difficult life courses and behavioral issues. A crucial point is that criminal behavior – often of an outward reacting and violent kind – and drug use are seen as symptoms of having ADHD. As an integral part of everyday language, the diagnosis is drawn upon as a resource and an active component in prisoners’ identity work, in which stigma and deviations are construed as disease that is treatable using legal drugs rather than illegal drugs. The ADHD diagnosis provides professionals with a specific understanding of the challenges they face in their client-related work, since the ADHD diagnosis displaces problematic behavior from being a question of morality or law to a question of mental illness. Finally, the findings are related to Nikolas Rose’s theories about the politics of life and biologization and how the distinction between normality and pathology can be blurred.