De retslige, administrative og normative dispositivers autonomi - Interview med Paolo Napoli
Michel Foucault, Yan Thomas, legal history, administration, dispositiveResumé
In this interview Professor Paolo Napoli, director of the Centre d’études des normes juridiques, ”Yan Thomas” (CENJ) at the EHESS (l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales) in Paris, talks about his inspiration from Foucault and how one can use Foucault in working with legal history. Napoli elaborates on how he uses, and has used, the inspiration from Foucault in his work on the police and currently in writing a genealogy of administrative normativity. The level he works with in his way of doing legal history is exactly that of the autonomy of the legal, administrative and normative dispositives which through history can be taken up and used by different actors in different contexts – and these dispositives, via their autonomy, both create and determine the contexts in which they are used.
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