‘It can be difficult to help them’

Colliding logics of care and choice in Danish elder care for older citizens with substance use


  • Jonas Strandholdt Bach Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, Psychological Institute, BSS, Aarhus University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9120-5807
  • Bagga Bjerge Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, Psychological Institute, BSS, Aarhus University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0942-0322
  • Johanne Korsdal Sørensen MANTRA (Moesgård ANThropological Research and Analysis), Department of Anthropology, ARTS, Aarhus University




Aging, Substance use, Elder care, Marginalization, Inequality in health, logic of care


Older marginalized citizens with severe substance use are presently a growing population in Denmark. They struggle with comprehensive and complex needs for care and treatment, which put high demands on health and care professionals working with them. Yet, the complexity of their needs for care and the care provided to them is highly understudied. We take our empirical point of departure in an anthropological pilot study of care work in private homes and retirement homes in two municipalities, where we followed care professionals on their shifts and interviewed them in order to identify challenging situations in daily care. Building on Mol’s concept of logic of care (Mol 2008), we examine how the care professionals in their everyday work with substance using older citizens faced dilemmas in the provision of care within the logics of on the one hand Danish standards for “correct” care and on the other respecting the autonomy of substance using citizens.

Author Biographies

Jonas Strandholdt Bach, Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, Psychological Institute, BSS, Aarhus University

Jonas Strandholdt Bach, PhD, is trained in anthropology and currently employed as an assistant professor at the Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, Aarhus University. He has worked on research projects on aging and substance use; inequality in health and care; open alcohol scenes; marginalization, place and space; youth, alcohol and sexual boundaries; and encounters between the welfare state and its citizens.

Bagga Bjerge, Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, Psychological Institute, BSS, Aarhus University

Director of Center for Alcohol and Drug Research & Professor, PhD, Bagga Bjerge is trained within anthropology and sociology. She has acted as PI of many qualitative research projects, focusing among others on policy, bureaucracy, poverty, social and health services directed towards severely marginalized substance users as well as users´ perspectives relating to welfare state services. Currently, she is involved in research projects on employment policies and substance use; aging, inequality in health and substance use; poverty and socially marginalized Greenlanders in Denmark.

Johanne Korsdal Sørensen, MANTRA (Moesgård ANThropological Research and Analysis), Department of Anthropology, ARTS, Aarhus University

Johanne Korsdal Sørensen, health anthropologist and PhD in sociology. She heads MANTRA, Moesgaard ANThropological Research and Analysis, Department of Anthropology, Aarhus University. Here she acts as PI on a series of collaborative research and innovation projects. For instance, the project: From migrant to SOSU-aspirant. Funded by Innovation Fund Denmark and focusing at the professional training of migrants for elderly care while at the same time researching on the dilemmas within this field and developing a prototype of a learning support app for migrants in the care sector. She has published two monographies and a row of scientific articles and reports covering issues e.g. physicians professional socialization and substance use and cross sectional communication (hospitals and nursing homes) around elderly citizens in a user perspective.


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How to Cite

Bach, J. S., Bjerge, B., & Sørensen, J. K. (2024). ‘It can be difficult to help them’: Colliding logics of care and choice in Danish elder care for older citizens with substance use. Qualitative Studies, 9(1), 51–75. https://doi.org/10.7146/qs.v9i1.143671



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