Collaborative resonant writing and musical improvisation to explore the concept of resonance


  • Charlotte Lindvang
  • Inge Nygaard Pedersen
  • Lars Ole Bondo
  • Stine Lindahl Jacobsen
  • Hanne Mette Ridder
  • Bolette Daniels Beck
  • Gustavo Gattino
  • Niels Hannibal
  • Ulla Holck
  • Jens Anderson-Ingstrup



Resonance, collaborative thinking, musicking and writing, improvisation, music therapy, qualitative research


Resonance is often used to characterize relationships, but it is a

complex concept that explains quite different physical,

physiological and psychological processes. With the aim of gaining

deeper insight into the concept of resonance, a group of ten music

therapy researchers, all colleagues, embarked on a joint journey of

exploration. This included an aim of letting the internal learning

process be disseminated in a way that could give others insight, not

only from the findings, but also from the process. Findings include

a dual understanding of resonance as (1) a visible and ordered

phenomenon consisting of physical vibrations and acoustic

sounding that offers a clear logic, and (2) a metaphorical

conceptualization used to describe and understand complex

psychological processes of human relationships. The process of

collaborative writing led to the discovery or development of a ninestep

procedure including different collaborative resonant writing

procedures and musical improvisation, as well as of a series of

metaphors to explain therapeutic interaction, resonant learning and

ways of resonant exploration.


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How to Cite

Lindvang, C., Pedersen, I. N., Bondo, L. O., Jacobsen, S. L., Ridder, H. M., Beck, B. D., Gattino, G., Hannibal, N., Holck, U., & Anderson-Ingstrup, J. (2018). Collaborative resonant writing and musical improvisation to explore the concept of resonance. Qualitative Studies, 5(1), 4.



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