Kunst, kapitalisme, revolution og kommunisering
Mikkel Bolt: "Kunst, kapitalisme, revolution og kommunisering - Om overskridelsen af kunsten som betydning uden virkelighed"
Mikkel Bolt: “Art, Capitalism, Revolution and Communisation: On the Transgression of Art as Meaning Without Reality”
The article argues that modern art has always had a complex relationship to the idea of revolution: It embodies and articulates a critique of modern capitalist society at the same time as it consolidates that very society. From romanticism onwards art has sought to transgress the discursive and institutional limits of the art institution seeking to transcend the separation of art and everyday life. Much of what today goes under the name of contemporary art is rarely able to continue this destructive project. A notable exception is the milieu that has published Tiqqun and
L’insurrection qui vient combining elements from the revolutionary tradition as well as avant-garde art working towards a communisation of everyday life under conditions of spectacle.
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