Passage - Tidsskrift for litteratur og kritik tidsskrift for litteratur og kritik Aarhus Universitetsforlag da-DK Passage - Tidsskrift for litteratur og kritik 0901-8883 <p>Forfattere, der publicerer deres værker via dette tidsskrift, accepterer følgende vilkår:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Forfattere bevarer deres ophavsret og giver tidsskriftet ret til første publicering, samtidigt med at værket 1 år efter publiceringen er omfattet af en <a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution-licens</a>, der giver andre ret til at dele værket med en anerkendelse af værkets forfatter og første publicering i nærværende tidsskrift.</li> <li class="show">Forfattere kan indgå flere separate kontraktlige aftaler om ikke-eksklusiv distribution af tidsskriftets publicerede version af værket (f.eks. sende det til et institutionslager eller udgive det i en bog), med en anerkendelse af værkets første publicering i nærværende tidsskrift.</li> <li class="show">Forfattere har ret til og opfordres til at publicere deres værker online (f.eks. i institutionslagre eller på deres websted) forud for og under manuskriptprocessen, da dette kan føre til produktive udvekslinger, samt tidligere og større citater fra publicerede værker (se <a href="" target="_new"> The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li> </ol> Call for papers Redaktionen Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 167 167 Redaktionellt forord Katrine Katrine Annesdatter-Madsen Mille Breyen Hauschildt Amanda Grimsbo Roswall Tue Andersen Nexø Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152555 Bølgende moderskab <div><strong><span lang="EN-US">“Motherhood in Waves: Recontextualization of Women’s Literature in the 1970s”</span></strong></div> <p style="font-weight: 400;">This article examines what has been framed as Danish ‘motherhood literature’ from the 1970s. The article argues that this frame is a product of the literary works’ cri- tical reception of the last decade, and not a frame originating in the 1970s. A fra- mework is thus formed for a current wave of motherhood literature, mimicking the wave metaphor in feminism. From this follows a discussion of the temporality and historicity of texts, in which it is proposed that the wave metaphor cannot fully ac- count for the ways in which texts are formed by and connected to many different understandings of time.</p> Ida Aaskov Dolmer Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 9 20 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152557 Kunstfaggruppens infrastrukturelle aktivisme <div><strong><span lang="EN-US">“The Infrastructural Activism of Kunstfaggruppen: A Feminist Reading of Art Librarians’ Work in the 1970s”</span></strong></div> <p style="font-weight: 400;">This article explores the art librarians in Kunstfaggruppen’s (the Art Subject Group’s) infrastructure-creating and agenda-setting activities, situated at the inter- section between visual arts and the library system. During the 1970s the group, dominated by women informed by feminism, ensured that art libraries became a recognised part of the art institutional landscape in Denmark. This article argues that this happened through a form of “infrastructural activism” (Smith). Seeking to create an alternative to the bourgeois art institution, this activism operates on both infrastructural and representational levels within the frameworks of art. The ar- ticle suggests that the infrastructural and activist work thatdrove Kunstfaggruppen in the 1970s had a feminist impulse, but also critically considers the relationship between the counterculture of the women’s movement and the cultural politics of the welfare state, whilst reflecting on the potential of the art library infrastructure today.</p> Line Ellegaard Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 21 38 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152558 Protestens evindelige genkomst? <div><strong><span lang="EN-US">“The Eternal Return of the Protest? Feminist Poster Art, Reimagined”</span></strong></div> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The article discusses the place of historical feminist posters, especially from the 1970s, in contemporaryfeminism. By analysing the temporalities, af- fects, and materiality of a recent book of feminist poster art, <em>Ican’t believe I still have to protest this shit </em>(edited by Jessica Hallbäck, Gutkind 2023), the article argues for thesuitability of a transhistorical approach when making use of past pro- test art in the age of digital-first feminism.</p> Charlotte J. Fabricius Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 39 51 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152559 Feminismer och feminissanser <div><strong><span lang="EN-US">“Feminisms and Feminaissances: Britt-Ingrid Persson (BIP), Barbro Bäckström, and the 1970s in Feminist Art History"</span></strong></div> <p style="font-weight: 400;">This article explores sculptures by Swedish artists Britt-Ingrid Persson (BIP) and Barbro Bäckström in relation to the historiography of feminist art. It argues that the artworks both belong to and transcend the feminist 1970s and that their anachro- nistic agency allows for transtemporal narratives that challenge linear conceptuali- sations of time.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 53 72 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152560 Kvinnen og havet <div><strong><span lang="EN-US">“Women and the Sea: Vigdis Stokkelien’s Apocalyptic Novels from the 1970s and Blue Humanities”</span></strong></div> <p style="font-weight: 400;">In the two novels <em>Sommeren på heden </em>[Summer on the heath] (1970) and <em>Lille-Gi- braltar </em>[Little-Gibraltar] (1972), Norwegian writer Vigdis Stokkelien explores how women relate to the sea. She shows how capitalism and militarism violate both na- ture and the female body. Stokkelien’s stylistic devices create the effect of a subma- rine temporality thatreveals the protagonists as entangled, something that simulta- neously provokes the need for liberation.</p> Christine Hamm Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 73 84 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152561 Mellem klasseresignation og kvindeutopi <div><strong><span lang="EN-US">“Between Class Resignation and Female Utopia: Grete Stenbæk Jensen’s <em>Konen og æggene </em>and the Female Working-class Literature of the 70s”</span></strong></div> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Centered on analysis of Danish author Grete Stenbæk Jensen’s debut novel <em>Konen og æggene </em>(1973), the article revisits the female working-class literature of the 1970s and argues for the need to re-think the political nature of this often devalued and marginalized chapter of Danish literary history. Thus, the article challenges the widespread preconception of the decade’s working-class literature as ideologically unambiguous and politically agitational by demonstrating how <em>Konen og æggene </em>is characterized by a significant tension between what is conceptualized as the novel’s inherent class resignation and its rudimentary female utopia.</p> Nicklas Freisleben Lund Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 85 99 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152562 Om ingen tar bort skräp är snart en stad förstörd <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>“<em>If No One Removes the rubbish, a City is Quickly Destroyed: </em></strong><strong>Women’s Tim<em>e </em></strong><strong>Revisited with Julia Kristeva and Maja Ekelöf”</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">This article reads Swedish author Maja Ekelöf’s <em>Report from a Floor Bucket </em>(1971) in light of Julia Kristeva’s concept of <em>Women’s time </em>(1979). The form of Ekelöf’s diary from a life as a single mother with five children and night work as acleaning lady is characterised by the reproductive temporality in which she finds herself but also negotiates with otherforms of time listed by Kristeva: linear and monumental time.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> Elisabeth Friis Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 101 113 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152563 Vedligeholdelsespoetik og patriarkalske fortælleformer <div><strong><span lang="EN-US">“Maintenance Poetics and Patriarchal Narrative Forms: Literary Strategies for Making Housework Visible in the 1970s in Marianne Larsen and Ursula K. Le Guin”</span></strong></div> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The article examines the narration of housework in the 1970s through an analysis of two literary works from the period. It argues that these works employ classical heroic and patriarchal narrative forms as literary analogies for housework.Further, the article demonstrates that this seemingly non-feminist literary strategy reveals how certain feminized experiences such as maintenance work resist representation within established literary conventions, in the 1970s as well as today.</p> Mille Breyen Hauschildt Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 115 127 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152564 1970’er-feminismen mellem forandring og friktion <div><strong><span lang="EN-US">“Feminism in the 1970s Between Change and Friction: A Situated and Retrospective Reflection on Figuration s of a Radical Decade”</span></strong></div> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The article reflects on 1970s feminisms, their radical openings, and internal fric- tions that sometimes prevented visions from materializing. Framing the reflections through an analysis of figurations, the author compares her own memories from feminist movements in Denmark in the 1970s with recently published memoirs and analyses by other feminists with personal-political experiences from feminist activ- ism back then. </p> Nina Lykke Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 129 142 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152565 Anmeldelse af Yale French Studies nr. 143 (2024) Amanda Grimsbo Roswall Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 143 145 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152566 Anmeldelse af Marie-Louise Svane: Orienten som horisont – i europæisk litteratur gennem det 19. århundrede Svend Erik Larsen Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 146 149 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152567 Anmeldelse af Karen-Margrethe Simonsen: Slavery and the Forensic Theatricality of Human Rights in the Spanish Empire Rasmus Vangshardt Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 39 92 150 154 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152568 Anmeldelse af Isak Winkel Holm: Kierkegaard and Climate Catastrophe: Learning to Live on a Damaged Planet Cæcilie Varslev-Pedersen Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 155 158 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152569 Anmeldelse af Marie-Elisabeth Lei Pihl: Anerkendelse og identitet i litteraturen: Skønlitterære vinkler på racisme, crip og køn Devika Sharma Copyright (c) 2025 Efter 1 år CCBY 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 39 92 159 161 10.7146/pas.v39i92.152570