60 gange i minuttet. Et essay om finanskrisen, kreditboblen og helvedes facadearkitektur: penge
Mikkel Bolt: “60 times a minute. An Essay on the Financial Crisis, the Credit Bubble and the Façade Architecture of Hell: Money”
Taking its point of departure in the American poet John Ashbery’s 2009 poetry collection Planisphere that contains mediations on the strange ending of finance capitalism the article analyses the financial crisis in 2008 as an expression of deeper structural problems in the capitalist world economy. The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers sat in motion a wave of busts that seriously threaten the capitalist mode of production which has been unable to create a sufficient rate of profit since the early 1970’s. The article argues that the imbalance is a structural feature in capitalism, the system is a system of crisis, that can only be overcome by the abolition of its basic features: labour, value and money.
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