Digital poesi og materialitet


  • Hans Kristian Rustad



Digital poesi, materialitet, multimodal, poesi


Hans Kristian Rustad fokuserer i “Digital poesi og materialitet. Materiel forgængelighed i Johannes Heldéns Entropi” på et bestemt eksempel på den multimodale poesi, nemlig poesien på internettet. Rustad rejser som Conte spørgsmålet om, hvordan digital poesi kan bidrage til forståelsen af intermedialitet og materialitet og herunder til forholdet mellem trykte og digitale tekster.

Hans Kristian Rustad: “Digital Poetry and Materiality. Material Transitoriness in Johannes Heldén’s Entropi”
How can digital poetry contribute to an understanding of intermediality and materiality, and, more to the point, the relation between print and the digital? N. Katherine Hayles defines intermediality in relation to digital literature as a “dynamic
heterachy”, that is, an interplay where print and the digital continually inform and define each other. In its simplest form the relation between print literature and digital literature can be approached, according to Hayles, through two complementary
strategies: imitation and intensifying. She acknowledges the need for a further exploration of how these two strategies might work in digital literature, and how digital literature in general discovers and re-discovers relations between print and the digital. This article picks up where Hayles’s left off and discusses how materiality
and intermediality are presented in Johannes Heldén’s work Entropi (2010).





Rustad, H. K. (2013). Digital poesi og materialitet. Passage - Tidsskrift for Litteratur Og Kritik, 28(69).