Det’ lig’som teksten sådan bølger
Forfatterskolens æstetiske og undersøgende tekstlæsninger som inspiration til gymnasiets klassesamtaler om litteratur
Aesthetic reading, Author school conversation, shared readings, exploratory talk, literary conversations in Danish high schools, forfatterskolen, passage, æstetisk læsningResumé
This article addresses the practice of shared readings at The Danish Academy of Creative Writing. It argues that these readings represent exploratory talk as a method of reading the aesthetic dimensions of literary texts. Moreover, it points out that both exploratory approaches and aesthetic readings are of increasing interest within the field of didactical research. The article aims to investigate the shared readings at the Danish Academy of Creative Writing as a supplement to the highly analytical classroom conversations about literature in Danish high schools.
Bang, L. R. (2020). Det’ lig’som teksten sådan bølger: Forfatterskolens æstetiske og undersøgende tekstlæsninger som inspiration til gymnasiets klassesamtaler om litteratur. Passage - Tidsskrift for Litteratur Og Kritik, 35(3), 15–33.
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