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Lacasa, Pilar, Universidad de Alcalá
Lagermann, Laila Colding
Lakkala, Minna, Institute of behavioral science, University of Helsinki
Langemeyer, Ines, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
Langemeyer, Ines, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Langemeyer, Ines
Larsen, Anne Kathrine, Deptartment of Social Anthropology, NTNU
Lauritsen, Peter Lauritsen
Lave, Jean, morten.nissen@psy.ku.dk
Lee, Yehyang, Department of Special Education, College of Education, Illinois State University Illinois, USA
Leite, Andre, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
Lemke, Thomas, FB Wirtschafts- und Socialwissenschaften, Wuppertal University
Lemos, Monica, Colégio Rio Branco, São Paulo, Brasil
Lemos, Monica, Colégio Rio Branco, São Paulo, Brasil (Brazil)
Leudar, Ivan
Levitin, Daniel J., Department of Psychology and Schulich School of Music, McGill University
Ludvigsen, Sten
Lund, Andreas, InterMedia Research Center, University of Oslo
Luttrell, Wendy, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA

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