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Kazlauskas, Alanah, School of Business & Informatics, Australian Catholic University
Kellogg, David, Sangmyung University
Kenny , Neil, Dublin City University's Institute of Education
Kerosuo, Hannele, Center for Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research, University of Helsinki
Kerosuo, Hannele
Khawaja, Iram, Aarhus University
Khawaja, Iram
Kjær, Bjørg, Department of Education, Aarhus University, Campus Copenhagen.
Klebl, Michael
Klemp, Nathaniel, Department of Politics, Princeton University
Klitmøller, Jacob
Kloetzer, Laura, Work and Development Research Centre (CRTD), Conservatoire National de Arts et Métiers, Paris, France
Kloetzer, Laure
Ko, Dosun, Department of Education, Santa Clara University, United States
Kontinen, Tiina
Kontopodis, Michalis
Kontopodis, Michalis, School of Education University of Roehampton
Kontopodis, Michalis, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (Germany)
Kontopodis, Michalis, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Kosonen, Kari, Institute of behavioral science, University of Helsinki

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