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Aagaard, Tine, Greenland Center of Health Research, Institute of Nursing and Health Science, Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland.
Aalizad, Ismail, Assistant professor at Allameh Tabatabaei University
Alsop, Steve, York University
Ammentorp, Louise, Borough of Manhattan Community College, The City University of New York
Apostolov, Apostol, Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford
Axel, Erik
Axel, Erik, Roskilde University


Bagga-Gupta, Sangeeta, Jönköping University
Baghban Moshiri, Niloufar, PhD student at Tarbiat Modares University
Ballinger, Anette, Criminology; Keele University
Barbato, Silviane Bonaccorsi, Brasília University
Beaty, Lara Margaret, LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York
Beck, Christian W., Institute of Educational Research, University of Oslo
Beckmann, Andrea, University of Lincoln
Bergset, Kari
Bhattarai, Raj Kumar
B. Jensen, Torben
Blunden, Andy, Independent Social Research Network Melbourne
Borg, Tove, Health, Humanity and Culture, Department of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
Bøttcher, Louise, Aarhus University

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