Social eksklusion i skolen

- mellem personlige handlegrunde og social struktur


  • Anne Morin



social exclusion, personal reasons for actions, family class, critical psychology


In schools different interventions are present in relation to handling children’s differen- ces to reduce social exclusion. However, re- search shows that exclusion is still a problem in schools and it also shows that some of the interventions organized to create good partici- pation and learning opportunities for children, can become part of exclusionary processes. This is linked to that school itself is a context, which has differentiation, qualification and separation as a premise (Ljungstrøm 1984; Morin 2007; Poulsen 2017). At the same time, the educational goal of dealing with children’s differences encounters challenges that are to a large extent about structural issues linked both to the school as an organization and to tensions in school policy agendas. This article discusses social exclusion in school, as related to the school’s handling of differences related to efforts aimed at inclusion in school. Based on an empirical case it is argued that working with personal reasons for action in connection with educational intervention in practice carries a potential for counteracting social exclu- sion in school but also in developmental and educational practices more generally. The article addresses these dilemmas based on empiri- cal qualitative school research with a focus on family class work in the tension field between help and control. Empirically, a case analysis is presented in which a critical psychological and social practice theoretical framework is proposed (Holzkamp 1998, 2013; Dreier 2003, 2008) as a basis for discussion of how possible exclusion can be understood as social processes in concrete practice analyzed as a dialectical relationship between structural and organizational conditions (e.g., what opportunities for support are present in school) and the structure of personal reasons for action (Holzkamp 2013; Morin; 2018).




How to Cite

Morin, A. (2021). Social eksklusion i skolen: - mellem personlige handlegrunde og social struktur. Nordiske Udkast, 49(1).


