Når vurderinger af børneliv mindsker børns og professionelles fælles rådighed


  • Crisstina Munck




Day care as a social and historical practice, participation as transformation, interdependent engagements, evaluation of children's development


This article is a revised version of my Ph.d. defense held on June 20th 2017, addressing young children’s participation within the day nursery. Participation is explored as children’s

transformation of the practices of the day nursery as well as influencing the professionals’ arrangements.

The analysis is based on the research question: ‘How is children’s co-creation made possible within the day nursery, where efforts towards inclusion as well as an orientation towards identifying children’s potentially ‘deviant’ behaviour are part of the pedagogical work?’

The analysis takes its point of departure in the day nursery as a social and historical practice that is many-sided and characterized by contradictory understandings of the children and their development. While everyday life in the nursery is arranged in ways that are flexible and mindful of the children’s wellbeing, the professionals are also expected to assess the development of the individual child. By following the children, I explore how young children contribute to as well as transform the pedagogical practices within the day nursery and how children’s and adult’s engagements are both interwoven and interdependent

The analysis suggests that flexible practices are set aside when situations emerge, where professionals are supposed to evaluate children’s development. Especially so, when the professionals worry about a child’s development. In these situations, the professionals as well as the children appear to have limited influence on the conditions.




How to Cite

Munck, C. (2017). Når vurderinger af børneliv mindsker børns og professionelles fælles rådighed. Nordiske Udkast, 45(2). https://doi.org/10.7146/nu.v25i2.141583


