
Omfattende identitetsforandring efter bande/rocker-involvering


  • Line Lerche Mørck
  • Martin Chr. Celosse-Andersen



Gang exit, gang desistence, major identity formation, conduct of daily life, prototype, recontextualisation, a social technology of documentation in practice, crime prevention


The article is about a social technology called the Life Conduct List (LCL). The primary focus is to describe the LCL approach, which is being used in the social work supporting the exit process of former (biker) gang mem- bers. The article is written by the two creators of LCL, these being a professor, Line, and a former biker gang member, Martin, who is cur- rently working with the exit process of others.

In order to examine each of our roles in the process of creating the LCL, we refer to our- selves in the third person as “Line and Martin”, we also refer to ourselves in the first person plural as “we” and in the first person singular as “I”, when we illustrate examples of content from the prototype of the original LCL.

The theoretical and methodological origin of the LCL is described through examples. We illustrate how the LCL can be used to understand, maintain an overview, prioritize, coordinate, remember and document the continuity and changes in how the exit candidates conduct their daily life.

The article also includes a sample of a specific LCL, which consists of two separate lis ings. At the top is the “list of positives”, which is a list of all the good things the exit candidate, who is also the co-author and co-creator of the life conduct list, is already working actively with as a part of his way of conducting his life during the exit process. The second part is being referred to as “the list of potentials”, and consists of all the problems, dilemmas, stagnations, which caused a lot of stress the first year of Martin’s exit process, combined with concrete possibilities of action.

Finally, we discuss how the LCL constitutes an alternative to the established exit program and how Martin has recontextualized the LCL approach in his work with other exit candidates.




How to Cite

Mørck, L. L., & Celosse-Andersen, M. C. (2016). Livsførelseslisten: Omfattende identitetsforandring efter bande/rocker-involvering. Nordiske Udkast, 44(2).


